Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Sunday, September 26, 2010

5 1/2 Months

I know, we are so terrible at updating this blog, but life has been crazy and busy lately. I'll talk about what's new with Daniel and I and save the best for last with little miss Haylee. I started a new job about a month ago with a skilled nursing facility. I'm enjoying it a lot more than I thought I would and it's been a challenge, which I think I needed. It's helping me learn a lot more and get some great experience in my field.

As for Daniel, his last day at his job is tomorrow. He is really excited to start a whole new career path! He is going to be taking a class in October to become a CNA (certified nursing assistant) and then is going to apply to nursing schools for next fall. He will need to take some prerequisites in the spring and will work as a CNA for a while.

Now for Haylee... She is growing and doing new things every day almost. She is making new sounds with her mouth all of the time and is now rolling everywhere!! We officially had to buy some outlet covers and start babyproofing the house as she is all over! She is also beginning to sit up on her own. We need at least a cushion or us around her in case she falls, but for the most part she is sitting on her own! She has also had several firsts since our last post. She had her first time in her Grandma and Grandpa Myers pool and has now been to 2 K-State games (and is undefeated so far)!! She has also began to like cereal, especially the mixed fruit kind:) She's getting so big we can't believe it!! She has such a little personality and is such a sweet little baby! Here are some recent pics...

Friday, August 27, 2010

Haylee is Baptized!!

Haylee is now a little Catholic girl! She was baptized on Sunday, August 22nd, 2010. She did so well at her baptism. She slept through about half of mass and then woke up just in time for Father Jerry to baptize her. She didn't even get upset when the holy water was poured on her head. Her godparents are Aunt Megan and Uncle Ben. We were so lucky to have all of her grandparents there and her Great Grandma Flack and Great Grandma and Grandpa Fracol. Here are some pictures...

Saturday, August 21, 2010

4 months!!

I know I know, we are terrible about updating this blog. This past month has been super crazy as I have been looking for a new job. Luckily I found one:) And I will only be working 4 days a week which gives me an extra day at home with our little Haylee!!

She went to the doc on Wednesday the 18th. She now weighs 13 lbs 12 oz. and is 24 in. long. She is 50th percentile in both areas so that is just perfect!! She of course had to get shots which made her very mad, but she recovered well:) She is always doing more and is growing like crazy. We were hoping to get her started on cereal this month, but her doctor said to wait another month, especially since she has been sleeping so well. She has been sleeping through the night since she was 7 weeks old! How did we get so lucky with this one??

Haylee got to go to her first Royal's game last Sunday. She seemed to enjoy it and just looked around the whole time. She did great, but probably because she likes to be outside. She is really starting to notice our dog Mac now, too. She thinks he is funny and laughs at him when he moves around or when he plays fetch. She tries to grab at him too and sometimes can get a hold of his fur:) He is really good with her and always likes to check up on her to make sure she is ok, esp. if she is upset. Here are some pictures...

Friday, July 16, 2010

3 months and talking...

Well not speaking words, but Haylee sure has discovered her voice. She coos and "talks" all the time now! She has also learned how to scream, which is quite funny when she does it:) She is rolling over more and more now and has figured out how to turn in a circle when she's laying on her back.

Haylee is really enjoying putting things in her mouth now. I think she's too young to be teething, but she sure likes to bring things to her mouth. She's trying to put my hand in it as we speak:)She is also giggling more, which makes us laugh, which makes her laugh more. We can tell she is learning and discovering more and more every day. She is quite a funny little girl and already has quite the personality:)

Here are some more pictures...

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Rolling Over

Haylee is now rolling over, and more than just one time! She rolled over for her Grandma Laura a couple days ago, so I had to see if she would do it for me too and sure enough she did! Then that night we tried again so Daniel could see, but she was sure tired:) The next day she rolled over 3 times for us! Daniel got it on video on his phone, but we haven't figured out how to upload it yet. Hopefully we can put that up soon.

Other than that Haylee is doing great! She is growing growing growing and cooing like crazy. She is a happy litte baby and loves to play! More to come...

Saturday, June 19, 2010

2 Months

Haylee went in yesterday for her 2 month appointment at the doctor. It was good because she is a growing girl, but bad because she had to get lots of shots:( She did well, though. She cried hysterically, of course, who wouldn't, but calmed down quickly with a bottle:)

Haylee now weighs 10 lbs 11 oz (55th%), is 22 1/8 in. long (50th %), and has a head circumference of 15 1/2 (75th%). We are happy she is right on track! Dr. Jackson said to keep doing what we are doing since she is a happy little baby and is a growing girl!

We also got her to giggle for the first time last weekend, on the 11th! It was the cutest thing we've ever heard, but she hasn't done it since! She is so smiley now and is a super happy baby, unless she wants her bottle, then she really knows how to tell us! She loves playing on her activity gym mat. The monkey on there seems to be her best friend:) She likes to coo at him:) We're so happy Haylee is doing well and can't wait to update with all of the new things she should start doing!!

Friday, June 11, 2010

Finally an update!!

So we have obviously been terrible at updating this blog, but we do have some things to report. Haylee has been changing so much the past few weeks. She is so much more alert now and has definitely found her voice! She looks around all of the time and seems to be trying to figure out this world she is in. We have started taking her out and she just looks around with her big blue eyes! She is such a good baby. She now is sleeping 5-7 hours a night, only waking up once to eat. We are hoping this continues!! She really seems to be a happy baby until she is hungry or tired, in which case she has learned to scream (not necessarily cry, but truly scream):)

One really exciting thing she did last week was roll over! She rolled from her belly to her back, but hasn't done it since. She has been close a few times, but without success again yet.

Haylee goes back to the dr. next week for her 2 month appointment. That's one I'm really not looking forward to since she has to get shots. Hopefully she will do better than I will:)

I have now gone back to work this past week. It was super hard to leave Haylee every day, but thank God for my mom who is watching her so I at least know she is getting the best possible care. It's also great that I can work part time so I was home early most days this week, worked a half day Thursday, and was off on Friday.

Here are some pictures...

Thursday, May 20, 2010

1 month Old

Haylee is now 1 month old!! She is so amazing and starting to do a little more than she was. She is now smiling at times. Not all that often, but I can usually get at least one big one out of her a day. She seems to smile most of the time when she is on her changing pad (and yes I know the difference between a gas smile and her beautiful big smile)! She doesn't enjoy tummy time too much, or at least for a short period of time, but she is getting stronger and holding her head up more.

She had her 1 month checkup at the doctor on Tuesday and now weighs 9 lbs 2 oz (55th %), her height is 20 3/4 in (45th%), and her head circumference is 14 3/4 (70th%). So she is a growing girl and right about on track.

Here are some new pictures!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

More pictures

Haylee will be 3 weeks tomorrow. She is adapting well to life out in the world. She of course doesn't do much now, but we have been having so much fun with her and are loving every second we spend with her. She is a very alert little baby and really takes in the scenery. She loves looking at our faces, which I love, especially when we feed her. Here are a few more pictures we've taken of her recently...

Monday, April 26, 2010

Monday, April 19, 2010

Haylee Elizabeth Myers

She's finally here!! We are so blessed to have a healthy little girl that we absolutely adore. She is just wonderful to have and could not be more fun, even at 4 days old:)

Everything went well with the labor and delivery. It was a long 18 hour process, but in the end Haylee and I are both doing well. She was born April 15th, 2010 at 4:48pm. She weighed 7lbs 13oz and was 19 in long. She was a much bigger girl than we were anticipating, but it has been so great because she has the cutest chubbiest little cheeks! She's a sweet little baby, but definitely has some lungs on her when she's hungry and ready to eat:)

Daniel and I feel so blessed and lucky to have this wonderful little girl come into our lives. We also want to thank all of our family and friends for their wonderful support through all of this. We love you and feel so blessed little Haylee has all of these wonderful people who already love her so much. Here are a few pictures, we will update soon with more.