Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Friday, July 16, 2010

3 months and talking...

Well not speaking words, but Haylee sure has discovered her voice. She coos and "talks" all the time now! She has also learned how to scream, which is quite funny when she does it:) She is rolling over more and more now and has figured out how to turn in a circle when she's laying on her back.

Haylee is really enjoying putting things in her mouth now. I think she's too young to be teething, but she sure likes to bring things to her mouth. She's trying to put my hand in it as we speak:)She is also giggling more, which makes us laugh, which makes her laugh more. We can tell she is learning and discovering more and more every day. She is quite a funny little girl and already has quite the personality:)

Here are some more pictures...

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Rolling Over

Haylee is now rolling over, and more than just one time! She rolled over for her Grandma Laura a couple days ago, so I had to see if she would do it for me too and sure enough she did! Then that night we tried again so Daniel could see, but she was sure tired:) The next day she rolled over 3 times for us! Daniel got it on video on his phone, but we haven't figured out how to upload it yet. Hopefully we can put that up soon.

Other than that Haylee is doing great! She is growing growing growing and cooing like crazy. She is a happy litte baby and loves to play! More to come...